Roberto Tastardi was born in Salerno in 1967.

He is the son of one of the most important Italian ceramists, Luciano Sr, founder in 1955 of the historic ceramics company ‘Creazioni Luciano’.

Roberto underwent his artistic training between the Florence High School of Art, under the teaching of master Mario Nuti, and the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, taught by masters such as Armando De Stefano and Bruno Starita, where he graduated in Painting in 1989, qualifying himself as a teacher of painting disciplines.

Since the 1980s, he began to work permanently with his father, whom lovingly transmitted to him his know-how and techniques. The daily collaboration with Antonio D’Arienzo and “Professor” Ugo Bruno was particularly fruitful: the first was the best modeller and trainer in the area, a pupil of Becher “the German”, the latter was an excellent decorator and great expert in chemical formulas, both Luciano Sr.’s childhood friends. Since 1984, he has been a designer, engraver and artistic director at the historic family company’Creazioni Luciano‘, today ”Luciano Italian Ceramic S.R.L.S.”, and represents its artistic soul. As a result, the company acquired a new “arrow in its bow”: the designs became more and more articulated, the number of self-produced chisels multiplied and he produced numerous landscape paintings in matt ceramic.

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